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CARBON, a shielding company, announced changes to its board of directors in Brazil and increased the number of executives. Rafael Monari and Rogério Diaconiuc are the company's new sales directors, while Daniel Pierre Deleu Filho took over as director of institutional relations, leaving his old position to Monari.
CARBON, the world leader in armor for civil vehicles, announces changes in its commercial leadership.
CARBON, which works in armouring civil vehicles, announces changes in its commercial leadership.
In a strategic move aimed at strengthening its leadership in the global civil vehicle armor market, CARBON, a giant in the sector, announced the appointment of Patrícia Cornetti as its new director of People and Culture.
Patrícia Cornetti is Carbon's new director of people and culture.
CARBON, a civil vehicle armour company, announced Patrícia Cornetti as director of People and Culture.
Check out the video that the Opinião Sincera Channel made here on CARBON. If you don't know it yet, this is the largest YouTube channel dedicated to car reviews and opinions from the consumers' point of view.
Figures released by the Brazilian Armour Association (Abrablin) reveal that in 2023 the sector registered the armour of 29,296 vehicles.
In partnership with Carbon, it is possible to shield the Cruze Sedan, Cruze Sport6, Equinox, Montana, Tracker, Trailblazer and S10 models.
CARBON, the world's largest automotive safety company, has expanded its partnership with Toyota.